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Bring Your Dog To Work Day

For all my fellow dog lovers and dog owners out there, it is almost that time of the year again when you get the chance to show off your adorable pooch-kin to your colleagues at work. I know some of you take your furry best friend to work often, but for those that don’t; you can do so on #BringYourDogToWorkDay.

What is Bring Your Dog To Work Day?

Bring Your Dog to Work Day is a widely celebrated event each year that helps charities devoted to making a difference to the wellbeing of dogs through donations from the public. During this time of the year dog lovers and owners join forces to support charities who work night and day to ensure every dog is safe. Sharing fun selfies of your dog getting messy in the office is one of the reasons we love #BringYourDogToWorkDay.

Who is the organiser of Bring Your Dog To Work Day?

This special event for dog lovers and dog owners is organised by HOWND, the natural pet care brand for happy dogs. HOWND is a Cruelty-Free International certified company that specialise in providing a range of grooming products for dogs of all breeds and sizes. Right now, I’m thinking about getting Coco looking all cute and adorable for #BringYourDogToWorkDay. If you want the same for your cuddly pie, then rush to the HOWND website for some doggy beauty products. Coco is already a huge fan of their products.

All donations from this edition of #BringYourDogToWorkDay will be donated to two charities

About the charities

If unfortunately, you are unable to look after you doggie or decide you don’t wish to be a dog owner anymore, then All dog matters are the charity to contact. They rescue and rehabilitate dogs in an around London from abusers or owners who are unable to cope with their doggies.

After rescuing, they start looking for a new home for the rescued dogs. They are always looking for dog foster carers interested in providing a new home for rescued dogs. If you fancy becoming a dog foster carer, then complete this Dog Foster Carer – Application Form. Most animals rescued have either suffered or are not used to the care and affection they deserved. Living in a foster home help to provide a warm and loving environment to rebuild their confidence and enjoy a happy life. Fostering animals can also be a pleasurable experience as it’s worthwhile to know you had a role in the rehoming process when a foster animal is successfully rehomed.

Animal Asia is relentless in fighting against the ill treatment of bears in Asia especially China and Vietnam. They have developed a bear sanctuary in Asia which rehomes rescued Bears from the wild bear bile trade in Asia. Besides rescuing bears, Animal Asia also plays a major role in eradicating the trade of dogs and cats for food in Asia.

Their role in Asia extends to creating awareness in Zoos and Parks on how to improve the management of captured animals while also fighting against abusive animal practices in confinements. To learn more about their amazing work, please visit the Animal Asia website.

Recap from the 2016 Nectar Competition

As usual, the #BringYourDogToWorkDay won’t be complete without a chance to win some free stuff. For those of you who took part in the event in 2016, I am sure you remember our fun competition which involved the chance to win an amazing photo shoot experience with E5 Dog Photography + 1,000 Nectar points by Nectar Business!

The winner of the Nectar competition 2016 was the amazing Dora.

It was a pleasure to see her at our studio in London, where we had a wonderful time chatting

about all things doggie and more. Stay tuned and be the first to find out about any new competitions for this year. You could be the 2017 winner. There is only one way to find out. Get involved and start sharing your selfies.

Impact of taking your dog to work

Some studies suggest that having your pet in the office can do lots of good to your overall health and wellbeing.

Reduce stress

It is no surprise that stress has a negative effect on work. Sometimes all you want to do after a long stressful day is run home and cuddle with your furry friend. What if instead of running home to your cuddly doggie, you get to bring her with you to work? The presence of your pet at work will neutralise the stress and provide a positive vibe in the workplace.

Boost morale

Sometimes all you need to get your work done is a little boost in morale from your doggie soul mate. Just a little gaze to melt your heart or a woof sound to keep you alert and focused could be the missing ingredient at work to boost your morale. With your four-legged friend by your side for moral support, nothing can keep you from accomplishing your task for the day.

Increase productivity

Taking your doggie to work on #BringYourDogToWorkDay can lead to an increase in productivity. The presence of your pooch will provide a much needed relaxed atmosphere which will enhance your ability to carry out your job diligently and proficiently.

What are you waiting for…?

As well as raising funds for charity, Bring Your Dog to Work Day can be hugely beneficial for employee productivity and wellbeing. Above all, the day promises to be a lot of fun for all those involved.

Join the fun and become an official sponsor of bring your dog to work day or enter the competition for a chance to win huge prizes.


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