It’s that time of the year again, Val's day is around the corner. For some, it is the happiest time of the year to share their LOVE with that special someone. It is the time to appreciate our loved ones and all the love we can find in this mysterious planet of ours. For others, it is the worst time of the year, especially if you just lost a loved one or going through a nasty breakup.
No matter your opinion of Valentine’s Day, your dog will ALWAYS BE THERE FOR YOU. You can always bet bottom dollar on your dog to be your best friend and most reliable companion. You can ride on coattails for your dog to listen to your deepest fears and secrets without judging or getting bored. That’s of course if you have a treat to keep the conversation going.
Your dog will shower you with love EVERY DAY of the year. And that is just one among a hundred reasons why YOUR FURRY friend IS your best companion on Val's Day. We have provided eight reasons why we think your dog is THE BEST VALENTINE'S DAY DATE.
1. Save Money
You do not need to burn a hole in your pocket. There is no reason to buy flowers, chocolates or additional gifts. Your little friend will gobble up even the leftovers. However, it is worth getting your furry date a LITTLE SOMETHING for the special day.

2. No Ex’s Drama
You need not worry about your date’s ex. For your dog, you are THE ONE AND ONLY ONE TRUE LOVE, and they will show it to you every minute of the day. No need to worry about your date's ex who keeps calling and just won’t move on.

3. Your choice, always
You call the shots, no need to check with a human date on your booking plans. You can choose to watch a movie, stay indoors, go out on a picnic or whatever catches your fancy. It just doesn’t matter to your furry friend, AS LONG AS YOU ARE TOGETHER.
4. Guilt free
You can gobble up all the WINE AND CHOCOLATES that you want. And the plus point being that you need not feel guilty of NOT SHARING them with your date.

5. Pyjama love, forever
You need not dress up; spend hours thinking of your ‘look’ or even select a dress for the evening. Your dog is going to BE IN LOVE with you even if you stay in your faded pyjamas whole day long, and your hair all messed up.

6. No expectations
You will also NOT BE DISAPPOINTED if your date is not well dressed because your fur-baby looks adorable even with no clothes on. Your expectations will always be met and even exceeded by your dog.

7. Cuddly-cuddly
You have THE BEST CUDDLE PARTNER EVER, and you need not worry about them waking up in the morning and thinking you are not-so-great-after-all. You’re their only love.

8. Soul-mates
No worries about whether your date would call you up again or was it just a one-time thing. In your little furry-babe, you have a soul mate who will always stick by your side for life. It is a respectful relationship formed on TRUE LOVE, TRUST & LOYALTY.
So, this Valentine’s Day, don’t fret if you don’t have a date. Uh, a human date, because your furry friend is sure to be the best Valentine’s Day date for you.
To make it extra ‘special’ why not treat your pup to a photo shoot by E5 dog Photography to make it a truly memorable Valentine’s Day.